Peoria Chiefs Ticket Sales Contest

MYBA Night at the Peoria Chiefs will be on Saturday, July 6th this year at 7:05pm against the South Bend Cubs. The promotional event is "Christmas in July" with a Peoria Chief's stocking giveaway. There will also be fireworks after the game.

This year we are doing a contest to award the team with the most tickets sold to participate in the "Field of Dreams" package where the winning team will run out with the players for the National Anthem and stand in their positions and get a ball signed which is provided by the Chiefs!

The next 3 teams with the highest ticket sales will get to go on the field and participate in the "High 5 Tunnel" with the Peoria Chiefs players.

More details will be communicated to the winning teams once winners are announced. Ticket sales deadline for the contest will be June 30th at midnight! Additional tickets may be purchased after the deadline but will not go towards the contest. Each team will be responsible for collecting money to be paid when tickets are picked up on July 5th. We will communicate a pickup location and time once established.

RESERVE TICKETS by copying and pasting the below link into your address bar: